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Annual Ram Sale

Early January we offer the opportunity to purchase Forest Range Superior Merino Sires during our Annual on-farm sale. All rams are commercially raised in natural high country conditions with no artificial feeding. They are known for their robust constitution and ultrafine wool genetics.

These sires represent over 30+ years of selective breeding for structural soundness using BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction) analysis overseen by geneticists Dorian Garrick and Ric Sherlock.

They are advertised with:

  • EBVs for Micron and Clean Fleece Weight
  • 3 Fleece Test results showing Micron and Yield and CV% of FD as measured by SGS.
  • 2 Fleece Weights from hogget and 2th shearing
  • Parentage information dating back to 1980
  • Veterinary Accredited Brucellosis free flock
  • Unmulesed
  • Veterinarian tested
  • Shearwell Electronic Eartags plus number branded on horns
  • Forest Range’s unique back up service.

Rams are sold by Helmsman (silent auction) commencing at 1:30pm. Inspection is invited from 12 Midday. Light luncheon and refreshments available at 12pm and post sale.

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